Friday, December 17, 2010

new handmade tile counters and room divider curtains

Brand new kitchen counters. Trimmed with traditional handmade tiles.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I got the following from Jaltemba Folk bulletin board. It's good information for people driving down to Mexico.

Posted by David T on October 2, 2010, 2:11 pm

We just arrived this morning after driving through Nuevo Laredo. Absolutely no problems at the border other than I always seem to get the inexperienced processor working on my auto permit. Other people came and went and it took me forever, well not quite forever, to get mine. Then we were off southward at about 7:15 am yesterday(Friday). Made it all the way to Tonala and the Hacienda del Sol for a pleasant stay and wonderful dinner at the Rincon del Sol Restaurant. We arrived this morning after only a 3 1/2 hour drive from Tonala.

There were NO signs of banditos or anything else that looks different than any other year. We did see a lot of Federales, which was comforting but of no consequence.

I personally feel that the concerns of many about safety issues while traversing Mexico are a bit blown out of proportion. I was more uncomfortable while driving the streets of Oklahoma City looking for an auto parts store than I was at anytime while crossing Mexico.

As a travel note....they are finally working again on the new highway that cuts through the Lagos de Moreno area. There are a lot of construction workers and a few detours. It took us 1 hour and 20 minutes to go 20 miles.

Great trip everyone.....come on down!!

Monday, September 20, 2010

The rainy season is coming to a close. It's been great for most of the plants. The gardens in front of the casita, in the middle along the east wall and in the sw corner are doing very well.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Though I'm still in summer mode here, I know that only too soon winter will be here. With that in mind we're doing some more work on the casita. We've just added another tinaco on the roof and raised both tinacos so there is plenty of water pressure to trigger the hot water heater. Justin will have the tile work done soon. I'll post photos of all of it soon. I'm thinking I'll start rentals the first of December. If i get someone wanting to rent the Casita for a month or more, I won't rent out any RV spots during their stay.

The gardens are doing well and growing like crazy now during the rainy season. They'll be lovely as well in the winter.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

I'm back home now. Had a good time planting some things in the new little garden between the RV spaces. We also put in a Traveler Palm and a giant Bird of Paradise along the south wall. These should be huge in no time and offer a more shade and privacy. The red bouganvilla I started last spring is doing well too thanks to Olivias and Justins care. Though i don't have a photo, we added a nice stairway to the roof of the casita and a secure (seguro) room underneath it.

I'm thinking of renting out the Casita during the off season so I'm adding some photos of it on the inside. It's a sweet spot to stay if you like swimming in the ocean particularly as the Los Ayala beach is very safe and usually pretty calm for swimming as it is in the lee of Punta Raza.